Inspired by the Blue Mosque, one of the world's most iconic islamic architectures, Mavi would stand tall with the world as she sheltered her loved ones in her arms. A gathering point for her family to be humble and low as she protected them from harm. A strong woman who would not back down from strong winds that shook her core.
Nama Produk: Mavi Powder White
Warna: Putih
Material: Voal Glossy
Ukuran: 110 x 110 cm
Finishing: Laser cut
Aksesoris: Plat logo Alka
Kemasan: Hardbox
*Sedikit perbedaan warna dapat terjadi karena pencahayaan saat proses pengambilan gambar katalog ataupun perbedaan layar yang digunakan saat melihat gambar katalog.
RP 600.000
RP 600.000
RP 425.000
RP 350.000