The Chitra Series

Chitra Asparagus Green

RP 200.000

Inspired by the beauty of Batik as one of the beloved traditional art forms of Indonesia that tells a story in form of pattern on fabric, The letter 'A' represents not only our Identity as a brand, but also the start of a big vision. The Chitra Series tells a story of the beginning of many beginnings.

Product Information

Nama Produk: Chitra Asparagus Green

Warna: Hijau Muda

Material: Voal Glossy

Ukuran: 110 x 110 cm

Finishing: Laser cut

Aksesoris: Plat logo Alka

Kemasan: Zipperlock

*Sedikit perbedaan warna dapat terjadi karena pencahayaan saat proses pengambilan gambar katalog ataupun perbedaan layar yang digunakan saat melihat gambar katalog.